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Book, Weapon Mounts for Secondary Armament
Book, The Browning Machine Gun, Vol. I, Autographed Edition.
Book, The Browning Machine Gun, Vol. II, Autographed Edition.
Book, The Browning Machine Gun, Vol. III, Autographed Edition.
Book, The Browning Machine Gun, Vol. IV. Autographed Edition.
Book, The Browning Machine Gun, Vol. V, Autographed Edition.
The Browning Machine Gun, Vol. I – V Autographed Book Set.
Book, Hard Rain. Autographed Edition.
Manual, TM9-1005-212-10
Manual, TM9-1005-212-25
CD, Ordnance Field Manual, ANM2, Browning Compilation.
Manual, M3, M4, M5
Manual, Ordnance Field Manual, ANM2, Browning Compilation.
Manual, Technical, Caliber .22 and Trainer, Caliber .22.
Book, History of Browning Guns.
Training Bulletin, Loader, Cloth, 1918.
Handbook, Machine Gun Support Equipment. AUTOGRAPHED EDITION!
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